Fourteen (14) Spring-break Activities for Seniors and Caregivers

Fourteen (14) Spring-break Activities for Seniors and Caregivers

If you are a senior or a caregiver, spring is the perfect time to give yourself a break from things that might contribute to tension and stress. Caregivers and seniors should look for opportunities to include relaxing activities in their days. This spring, take a break from things that cause tension and stress!

Here are some activities for both caregivers and seniors to enjoy in this season.

  • Go buy colorful potted flowers from the local garden or grocery store to decorate your indoor or outdoor tables,
  • Plant your favorite vegetables in large pots on your deck or porch,
  • Go for a walk and enjoy the spring breeze,
  • Go for a bike ride and see spring in bloom in your neighborhood,
  • Go for a hike at a nearby nature park and trail and explore nature,
  • Participate in an outdoor exercise class,
  • Go out and hit golf balls at a local driving range with a friend,
  • Go to an outdoor eatery and have lunch with a friend you have not seen for some time,
  • Go to a sidewalk cafe and have a latte or coffee,
  • Find a food truck and sample their goodies and sit outdoors,
  • Go to a local park and sit on a park bench and people watch,
  • Spend a morning at a local farmers market,
  • On a rainy day, open your windows and listen to the soothing rain,
  • Sit outdoors, and read a book.

Let the fresh air of spring refresh and renew your mind and spirit. Thus, take a spring break from tension and stress!

Picture credit:

Gretchen Curry, MSPH
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